


1.  NAME: The name of the Section shall be the B.B.C. Club Rambling Section.

2.  OBJECTS: To promote and encourage the interest of members in organised walking and rambling tours into the countryside within easy access of London and, by affiliation to the Ramblers’ Association and the Open Spaces Society, to promote an interest in rambling and walking activities throughout the country.

3. MEMBERSHIP: The Section shall be open to all Full Members of the B.B.C. Club and to Section Affiliated Members and shall conform to the Constitution, and be governed by the rules of the Club.

4. OFFICERS: The officers of the Section shall consist of the following:



Honorary Secretary

Honorary Membership Secretary

Honorary Treasurer

5. COMMITTEE: The Section shall be under the control of a committee composed of:-

The officers of the Section

Five other members

The President shall be a non executive Officer of the Section elected annually at the Annual General Meeting.

The Officers and Committee members shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting.

The Committee shall have power to fill casual vacancies which occur among the Officers or Committee members of the Section, until the next opportunity for a regular election. They shall be empowered to co-opt FULL members temporarily to advise on technical or practical matters or to undertake specific duties. Members co-opted under this rule shall not be entitled to vote at Section Committee Meetings.

The Committee shall have power to deal with all matters of the Section not specifically dealt with in this Constitution.

Only FULL members of the B.B.C. Club, having been enrolled as members of the Section, shall be eligible to hold office.

6. MEETINGS: The Annual General Meeting of the Section shall be held each year in March.

An Extraordinary General Meeting may be called

a) at any time by the Section Committee

b) by a request signed by not less than ten members of the Section, specifying the object of the meeting.

Fourteen days notice shall be given for any general meeting at which not less than ten members shall constitute a quorum.

Committee meetings shall normally be held not less than four times a year. A quorum at a Committee meeting shall be not less than 50%.

Section meetings shall be held as required.

7. VOTING: The voting at meetings except when alterations or extensions are made to the Constitution at a General Meeting (see below) shall be by simple majority. The Chairman shall vote only in the event of a tie. Only full members attending shall be entitled to vote.

8. GENERAL: The Committee shall be responsible for the proper conduct of the Section in accordance with this Constitution and the Constitution of the B.B.C, Club.

The Honorary Secretary shall convene and attend all Committee meetings and General meetings and shall keep proper minutes of such meetings. He or the Honorary Membership Secretary shall keep an accurate roll of members of the Section and shall generally carry out the instructions of the Committee, including the preparation and issue of agenda for all meetings, with a copy to Secretary, B.B.C. Club. He shall attend, or provide a representative to attend, all B.B.C. Club Council Meetings. The Honorary Secretary may nominate a deputy to perform some of his duties at the discretion of the Committee. The deputy must be a Committee member.

The Section shall submit to Club Secretary during the month of January details of its estimated income and expenditure for the ensuing Club year. A detailed statement of the income and expenditure of the Section’s domestic fund shall be submitted at the Annual General Meeting and to Club Secretary not later than 30th. April each year.


This Constitution must be in accordance with the Constitution of the B.B.C. Club and shall not be altered or extended except with the approval of a two thirds majority of those present at a General Meeting and after the proposed amendments or additions have been submitted to the Honorary Secretary for inclusion in the Notice convening the meeting and the members notified in writing of such amendments not less than fourteen days in advance. Club Secretary must be notified of all proposed alterations and additions to this Constitution prior to circulation to members.

Inaugurated 10-3-1950

Amended 22-3-1954, 16-8-62, 14-3-78, 26-3-97